========================================================================= Date: Fri, 28 May 1993 19:05:03 LCL Reply-To: Dave Hansen Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dave Hansen Subject: Please Remove from list Please remove me from the list. Thanks. Dave@Hansen.Win.Net ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 31 May 1993 18:41:00 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Axioms can be viewed as a form of exact theology Subject: ** Announcing a new MultiMedia list .. All welcome ** Hello everybody .. I would like to personally invite you to subscribe to the brand new MultiMedia list that is now running from Jersey City, New Jersey. The list's discussions will cover a wide variety of hot multimedia topics, including animation, digitized sound, interactive video, and virtual reality. There will also be plenty of uuencoded postings of the latest shareware and freeware multimedia packages, including demos, that will keep the subscribers up to date with the latest technological developments for the home computer. This list will be running neck to neck with a multimedia BBS that is currently being developed. The telephone number of this BBS is: (201) 653-8966. You can dial in with speeds up to 14,400 bauds. At the present time, the messages posted on this list will NOT be archived, so this BBS might be your chance to get any files that you miss, delete by mistake, or simply don't feel like decoding ! TO SUBSCRIBE: Send a mail message with the word 'subscribe' in the ------------- subject header to: *********************** * HANY@JCSVAX1.BITNET * *********************** Any inquiries or questions about the list that are NOT to be posted should be sent to this address. TO POST A MESSAGE: Send your mail to: ------------------ ***************************** * MULTIMEDIA@JCSVAX1.BITNET * ***************************** Anthing sent to this address will be posted as is, and sent to all subscribers. THIS IS NOT A MODERATED LIST. PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS NOT A LISTSERVER LIST, which means that the ------------ regular listserver commands do NOT apply here. The only way you can connect to this list is by sending mail to either the owner of the list (first address above) or the list itself (second address). Hope you join us soon, and may multimedia grow and prosper ! Yours truly, Hany Nagib. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 08:25:27 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Comments: Converted from OVVM to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2 From: Michael Blankenstein Subject: Query Help I have two tables, one with user data and another with software data related to user data with the field user_num. I am trying to manufacture a query which will return which users do not have a specified software package. My current query attempts with criteria set to "NOT" only return the "records" not containing that name such as "WordPerfect". This of course does not tell me which users do not have WordPerfect, only which records do not. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Michael Blankenstein Computer Systems Mgr US Dept of Energy u7530mb@doevm.bitnet (e-mail) 202.586.5137 (voice) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 15:03:51 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Chris Rutkowski Subject: Newbie query about QUERY Hi. Can anyone give me a few tips? I use ACCESS infrequently, but I have to use it now to make a list of names and occupations (with a few other fields for additional descriptors). I've made a table, and can sort it okay, but I can't seem to coax ACCESS to filter/sort certain data. Here's what I need: My records are typically of the form: Firstname Lastname Address Specialty where Specialty is something like "tax accountant", "financial analyst" or "accountancy teacher". I have made the field size fairly big, so that I can include several Specialities, separated by commas or spaces. The problem I'm having is that I can use FIND to locate records within the table, but I can't FILTER the table. For example, if I'm looking for all people whose Specialty is something to do with accounting, I will want to include records with ANY PART OF FIELD listing "account". The FIND part is easy. But when I attempt to use "account" as my criterion in a FILTER or SORT, it gives me no data at all - a blank form. I'm sure there's a way to do this, but it isn't at all obvious, and the ACCESS User's Guide is open in front of me. Chapter 15 seems easy, but doesn't seem to work for me. Any ideas? Thx. -- Chris Rutkowski - rutkows@ccu.umanitoba.ca University of Manitoba - Winnipeg, Canada ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 15:00:41 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Gene Marshall Subject: Macro to disable a form control Apparently-To: ACCESS-L@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU Hi folks, I have what I think is a stupid question... From a macro, I am trying to set a property of a control on a form to disable a pushbutton. Idealy: SetValue: Forms![FormName]![ControlName].Enable = No The above syntax is incorrect, but for the life of me I can't figure this out. Can I do this from a macro? Thanks, Gene ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 15:03:07 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Brian Henning Subject: Re: Newbie query about QUERY Take a look at the Like function. You might want to use Like "*Account*" as your criteria. Brian Henning U of A but soon to be looking for work in the Bay Area. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 19:08:24 -0500 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: George Raudabaugh Subject: Re: Newbie query about QUERY I think he is using Like to do his queries, but doesn't understand why sort, etc don't behave. The main reason is he has a table embedded in a column (i.e. his job column can have more than one job in a row per his convention). Guess what, SQL don't work that way. This is only a convention in the table (the separting multiple jobs by spaces or commas). SQL doesn't understand this (OK, you can do some funny stuff with Like, but thats it since its just a simple string scanner). The table needs to be normalized. Somehow, you need to make sure each row (or virtual row if you go to more than one table) has one person, one job. Access (nor most RDBMSs) is not going to understand your convention for putting multiple jobs in one row. For more on normalization and RDBMS in general, see Chris Date's books (my choice) or others. GR. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 19:03:22 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: Newbie query about QUERY In-Reply-To: Message of Tue, 1 Jun 1993 19:08:24 -0500 from Wait a minute--I don't think you quite got what he's doing. He's got fields Lastname Firstname .... Specialty and in the field Specialty, he may have something like "Laser Scientist, Tax Accountant" He SHOULD be able to query that table with one of his query fields being Specialty and the criteria being 'Like "*account*"'. The resulting dynaset contain only records in which the Specialty field has some form of the word 'account' in it. I haven't tried this, but it seems like a logical thing to do. BTW, see pp. 279-280 in the Access Basic reference for the use of wildcards with Like. Now if works, the trick would be writing a form that would ask for the specific word (i.e., 'account') that he wants to search for. The InStr() function might be more handy here than the Like operation, too. I can see where what he wants to do might be rather handy if I were using a Memo field to simply keep track of (say) different offices in an organization that a person has held over time. You can do that with the Find button when you're in Form View. The use of '*' as a wildcard alphanumeric data in a string kind of threw me, but if the documentation can be trusted, it will evaluate to a zero-character string in the case of a word such as "Accountant" when the criterion is 'Like "*account*"'. HTH, I'm woozy from a boring day... -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 20:21:29 -0500 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: George Raudabaugh Subject: Re: Newbie query about QUERY Nathan, I think I got was he's doing. He's doing exactly as you described since if you use wild cards in a query form, access turns it into a like. What he wants is to have more operators understand his subgroupings, i.e. why can't sort (ORDER BY sql-wise) understand his comma delimitted subgrouping. Well, it can't (unless I'm missing something). By can't, you can't order by the pattern LIKE matched, only the value of a row. So LIKE *ACCOUNTANT* OR LIKE *PLUMBER* is going to return APLUMBER before ZACCOUTANT, if that is the column value in the row and you ORDER by the the column. GR. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 19:28:13 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: Newbie query about QUERY In-Reply-To: Message of Tue, 1 Jun 1993 20:21:29 -0500 from Good point--one I missed. I think what got wrong was that he apparently wants to sort the column of rather than to just find person(s) X who have the same job specialty. If so, you are absolutely correct, he isn't going to do that with a Like operation. But these tiny differences in direction and emphasis are what make us tear our hair out...:) -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 08:08:31 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Comments: Converted from OVVM to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2 From: Michael Blankenstein Subject: Newbie query about QUERY In-Reply-To: note of 06/01/93 17:24 In a relational model table each field must contain only one value or datum and each field must relate to the one key of the table. For each person that has multiple specialities, enter a separate record for each speciality, e.g. Rutkowski,Tax Analyst Rutkowski,Data Base Administrator To truely "Normalize" this you would probably want to have a spearate table with person_num,lname,fname,address and a second table with person_num,speciality. It is acceptable to "deNormalize" the tables, i.e., using the single table to contain both names, addresses, and specialities for performance and simplification where needed. You should be aware of the differences, though :-) Michael Blankenstein Computer Systems Mgr US Dept of Energy u7530mb@doevm.bitnet (e-mail) 202.586.5137 (voice) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 09:28:20 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Tak Fung Subject: unsubscribe Please remove me from the list fung@atmos.nrl.navy.mil ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 08:54:15 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: unsubscribe In-Reply-To: Message of Wed, 2 Jun 1993 09:28:20 -0400 from One more time: (Apologies to power users!) 1. If you are subscribed directly to ACCESS-L@INDYCMS, you unsubscribe by sending the command UNSUB ACCESS-L to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET, to the list. 2. If you are subscribed directly to ACCESS-L@INDYCMS, you will have to contact the administrator of the redistribution list through which you receive ACCESS-L mail. 3. If you don't know whether or not you are subscribed directly, send the command QUERY ACCESS-L to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET, to the list. If you are subscribed directly, you will receive a reply listing your user options. If you are not subscribed directly, you will be so informed. I don't like to get on my soapbox about these things, but if you want to be a member of the electronic community, PLEASE learn the basics of getting around in it. As I have said countless times, you can request the LISTSERV GENINTRO file from LISTSERV@INDYCMS by sending the command INFO GENINTRO to the listserver. A list of other files available will be sent to you if you send the command INFO ? to the listserver. Thank you for your attention. Nathan Brindle List Administrator, ACCESS-L -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 10:53:51 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Jeff 603/881-0494 Subject: Re: Query Help Michael: If I read your description correctly, your tables might look like this: Table 1 User UserID Jeff 1 Sue 2 Connor 3 Table 2 UserID Product 1 MS Word 1 Lotus 123 1 Borland C++ 2 Wordperfect 2 MS Visual Basic 2 Aldus Pagemaker 3 Wordperfect You can therefore find that Sue and Connor use Wordperfect, but have no way of deriving a list of user names (Jeff others, who don't). You may be able to write some exclusionary logic in Access basic comparing dynasets of all products and all users, but that's out of my realm at the moment. Here's an alternative to solve your problem. Use 3 tables. The first would be the user info (name, ID, etc). The second would be a product table with the fields being product name and product ID (number or abbreviation). The 3rd table would then have the userID, the product ID and a Yes/No field for whether the person uses the product. A query of the 3 table with the criteria of No for the yes/no field and Wordperfect for the product, you'll get the results you are looking for. jeff ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 09:37:22 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Hoang Nguyen Subject: A question about IMPORT Hi, I am a casual Access user. I need to import data from a large ascii file to my Acess table, the only problem I encountered came from one particular field (defined as MEMO in my database) where its data are made up of dozens of short lines delimited by CRLF with *EMBEDDED BLANKS* allowed. Roughly: it should look like this (assuming that we have five fields to be imported) f1 f2 f3 f4 f5 aaaa 111 bbb dddd txtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxt txtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxt txtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxt txtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxt txtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxtxt Basically, for each target record, we will have a fixed number of multiple input lines, and the format of the groups of lines for each record share the same structure (format for 1st lines is the same throughout, other lines in a record is actually containing data for the MEMO field. Please advise of a way to import such input file. If I need to write a small program to do this, can you give or point me to a sample ? It'd be fine if I will have to split the source file and import data for the MEMO field separately. I guess my biggest problem is with the multiple-line input records. Thank you very much for your help ! Hoang Nguyen ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 13:16:21 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Comments: Converted from OVVM to RFC822 format by PUMP V2.2 From: Michael Blankenstein Subject: Re: Query Help In-Reply-To: note of 06/02/93 12:01 Thanks Jeff for the suggestions. The third table idea was a good one. I was shopping around the manuals and found another 'relational' solution. That solution is to perform a 'YES' or 'HAS' querry for the item in question. Then using the results of this query perform another query against the "Personnel" table and use an 'Outer Join' to return persons who do not have the software in question. Thanks a lot for the assistance. Michael Blankenstein Computer Systems Mgr US Dept of Energy u7530mb@doevm.bitnet (e-mail) 202.586.5137 (voice) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 13:53:38 -0500 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: George Raudabaugh Subject: Access Upgrade Well, I've been waiting for the upgrade info from Microsoft for sometime, still nothing. Also, the last Egghead catalog didn't have it either. I seem to remember someone posting a number for ordering directly from Microsoft. Can someone please repost to the list server? I had a brain fade and just realized I need the new version to test out an ODBC driver next week. Thanks, GR. -- George Raudabaugh Manager/Document Technologies Information Dimensions, Inc. raudabaugh@idicl1.idi.battelle.org (work email) 5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. Dublin, Ohio 43017 (614) 761-7309 (voice mail) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 11:27:55 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Richard Brown (dickb)" Subject: Re: Access Upgrade: Call 1-800-426-9400 Those upgrading personal copies or copies owned by small- or medium-size businesses can call Msft at 1-800-426-9400. Or, upgrade through the retailer that sold you 1.0. Dick Brown Access User Education dickb@microsoft.com ---------- |From: George Raudabaugh |To: Multiple recipients of list ACCESS-L |Subject: Access Upgrade |Date: Wednesday, June 02, 1993 13:53 | |Well, I've been waiting for the upgrade info from Microsoft for sometime, |still nothing. Also, the last Egghead catalog didn't have it either. |I seem to remember someone posting a number for ordering directly |from Microsoft. Can someone please repost to the list server? I had |a brain fade and just realized I need the new version to test out an |ODBC driver next week. | |Thanks, | |GR. |-- |George Raudabaugh Manager/Document Technologies |Information Dimensions, Inc. raudabaugh@idicl1.idi.battelle.org (work email) |5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. |Dublin, Ohio 43017 (614) 761-7309 (voice mail) | | ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 14:53:59 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Richard Moldwin Subject: Re: Macro to disable a form control In-Reply-To: Your message of Tue, 1 Jun 1993 15:00:41 -0700 the correct spelling is "enabled," not "enable." I hope this helps ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 15:12:51 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Bill Stewart Subject: Re: Access Upgrade I also herd that the Access Developers Kit(ADK) is available. This has the run-time module with it. The cost was $495.00. I'll try and dig up the number for the Access 1.1 upgrade and post it, if someone doesn't beat me to it. ------------------------------------------------------ Bill Stewart Gendale Community College 6000 W. Olive Ave Glendale AZ. 85302 ------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 10:58:53 MDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: DeJean Subject: Filter / Pictures questions I have a couple of questions of which I hope some of you will know the answers. 1) How do I get wildcards into filters ? I want something like this [Field] like form![formname]![word] where I get the 'word' from an input dialog box. I would like to search the field for contents of a particular word. How do I get the *-wildcards into it ? [*word*] doesn't work. 2) What are the keyboard commands to get into a pull-down choice in a form ? I have a pull-down combo-box, with all the previous entries, sorted and with the unique values only. When entering records into forms, I like to use the keyboard only, but I don't know how to get the choices pulled down. 3) Has anybody used pictures in forms ? I have a picture assigned to every record. I use 256-color bmp files, but Access only displays 16 colors or so. How exactely does Acces do this ? Does he decrease the colors before he loads the files into the tabel ? Or does he keep the 256-color file and only shows 16 colors ? It would make half the amount of disk-space if I would load directly 16 color pictures, but if future versions of Access will support 256-colors, I will have to reload everything again. Will future versions support copmressed images ? Like jpeg ? Thanks in advance -- DeJean. /=============================================================================\ | Doumen Jan jqdoumen@vub.ac.be | | Brussel/Belgium jqdoumen@BBRBFU60.BITNET | \=============================================================================/ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 07:05:08 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Bill Stewart Subject: Re: Filter / Pictures questions To answer your first question. I have a database that performs a wildcard search using filters. I set up an unbound field to accept the input, then I designed a button to invoke the search via a macro. The command in the macro was a applyfilter command with a clause of 'where' [field to compare] is like forms![formnem].[wildcard field]. The answer to your second question is 'ALT' 'CsrDown'. This will display or drop the items in a listbox. _________________________________________ Glendale Community College - Bill Stewart 6000 W. Olive Ave. Glendale, Az. 85302 (602) 435-3497 _________________________________________ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 20:48:17 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: MS Press Release on line The Microsoft press release of 6/1/93, announcing the availability of the Version 1.1 upgrade and the ADK (Access Developers Kit) has been uploaded to the listserver and can be retrieved by sending the command GET RELEASE TEXT to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET (NOT to the list, please!). Nathan Brindle List Administrator, ACCESS-L -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1993 15:21:33 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Greg Fairnak Organization: The American University Subject: BASIC, test checkbox's property Hello fellow accessers, IF a have a variable set C = to Form!MyForm!MyCheckBox1 How do can I test to see if it is selected??? If C.ControlSource = -1 ? If C.Properties = TRUE ? Thanks in advance, Greg ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1993 18:39:51 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Greg Fairnak Organization: The American University Subject: processing speed of queries Does anyone know whether or not a processing penalty exists for: building a SQL string vs. modifying a parameter query when using Access Basic....Parameter queries seem to precompile after they have been executed once. But when I run a piece of Access Basic (run-time compiled) code, I believe that building SQL strings is just as fast as replacing parameter SQL. Anybody have any thoughts ???? ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 6 Jun 1993 22:06:50 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Richard Moldwin Subject: Re: BASIC, test checkbox's property In-Reply-To: Your message of Sun, 6 Jun 1993 15:21:33 EDT I think that all you have to do is use the name of your defined variable (e.g. C). For example: If C = TRUE then... At least this method works for text variables. I hope it works for you. --Rich ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1993 06:53:36 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dave Finley Subject: Integrating MS-Fortran, Access We're starting a new project, where we plan to use Access as a DBMS and Front-End for a "legacy application" written in Fortran. For this, we plan to use MS-Fortran. Has anyone else embarked on such a project? Did you have any problems, special peculiarities integrating Fortran and Access? More generally, has anyone done much work integrating DLL's into Access? How hard can it be? ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1993 07:57:22 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Jim Renaud Subject: Detecting an empty query What's the best way to detect (in Access Basic) that a select query returned no records. Before bringing up a form based on a select query, I want to display a message if no records exist. Can I just run the query (built with in Query design) from Access basic and then check its records count? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Renaud [Standard Disclaimer] Amdahl Corporation M/S 205 Phone: 408-992-2662 Bldg. M3 Room 235 Fax: 408-773-0833 1230 E. Arques Avenue Email: wiseguy@mcode.amdahl.com Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3470 ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1993 19:17:28 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Greg Fairnak Organization: The American University Subject: listbox rows values ? Has anyone tried using listbox row values in a case statement? e.g. Func() Dim SourceObj as Integer SourceObj = Forms!MyForm!MyListBox.ListRows (????) Select Case (SourceObj) Case 0 "First row of list box selected" Case 1 "Second row of list box selected" End Case I keep on getting the Listrows values back; instead of the row number. Any clues would be welcomed, I just can't find it in the Microsoft :-( :-( documentation. I bet it's somewhere, but I find the indexes lacking. Thanks.. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 16:13:37 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Greg Fairnak Organization: The American University Subject: calling a macro upon open? Does anyone know the format , location or calling method to allow a form to open upon opening a database. For example, When I open DB1, this triggers a macro to open form1. I saw it used in an example, but I can't locate the source. Thanks, ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 14:19:32 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Richard Brown (dickb)" Subject: Re: calling a macro upon open? Search Access Help for "autoexec" and go to the topic titled Creating the AutoExec Macro. See its example. Briefly: You write a macro that uses the OpenForm action and name the macro AutoExec. Dick Brown Access User Education |From: Greg Fairnak |To: Multiple recipients of list ACCESS-L |Subject: calling a macro upon open? |Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1993 16:13 | |Does anyone know the format , location or calling method to allow |a form to open upon opening a database. | | For example, | When I open DB1, | this triggers a macro to open form1. | |I saw it used in an example, but I can't locate the source. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1993 17:12:50 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Phillip (Phil) Paxton" <72410.2162@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Reply to Opening a Form at Database Open > From: Greg Fairnak > Organization: The American University > Subject: calling a macro upon open? > Does anyone know the format , location or calling method to allow > a form to open upon opening a database. > For example, > When I open DB1, > this triggers a macro to open form1. > I saw it used in an example, but I can't locate the source. Use the AUTOEXEC macro. When a database is opened (see exception below), AUTOEXEC is executed (if it exists). (btw, I'm only capitalizing it to delimit it as text -- the case is trivial) The exception is when you use the open database dialog box and select an application to open and use SHIFT-ENTER (instead of clicking the OK button or just ENTER). SHIFT-ENTER will bypass execution of the AUTOEXEC macro. A good example for testing this is the PIM application shipped with Access 1.x. As an FYI, if you are developing a full-blown application for distribution, you should be wary about overdependence upon macros. One of the "nasties" overlooked when thinking "I'm cleaning my oven while I sleep" (oops, that was a commercial) when thinking you can develop full applications sans programming (i.e. using macros) is you cannot trap errors in a macro, meaning ABC (Access Basic Code) is required in order to perform the proper diagnostics and hand-holding for your client(s). I could add a little more about this part, but I'm not sure how the NDA (non-disclosure agreement) stands for Access 1.1 and the ADK...but I do know of a very, very good book covering these types of things from a developer's point of view :{) Phillip Paxton Development Editor SAMS/Prentice Hall Computer Publishing Carmel, IN means any errors which occur when packa ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1993 08:21:36 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Arman Rivard Subject: Re: calling a macro upon open? In-Reply-To: Greg Fairnak "calling a macro upon open?" (Jun 9, 4:13pm) Just create a Macro called AutoExec. Add an OpenForm FORM1 action. An example is in the orderentry database supplied with Access. You can hold down the SHIFT key to override the AutoExec actions. Hope this helps -- Arman Rivard What's another word for Thesaurus ? ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1993 14:03:57 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Richard Moldwin Subject: Re: calling a macro upon open? In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 9 Jun 1993 16:13:37 EDT Make a macro called AutoExec and use an Op ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1993 14:06:19 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Richard Moldwin Subject: Re: calling a macro upon open? In-Reply-To: Your message of Wed, 9 Jun 1993 16:13:37 EDT Sorry about the previous message I meant to say: Create a macro called Autoexec, and add the OpenForm function. The next time you open the database, the Autoexec macro will run automatically. Hold down the shift key when you open the database to prevent this macro from running. Good Luck ---Rich ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1993 17:59:47 -0500 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: George Raudabaugh Subject: Re: Access Upgrade I ordered the upgrade last week from Microsoft and was told to expect a 10-15 business days. Well, it came today (FedEx no less). 3 upgrade disks plus one ODBC disks. The doc update is another $49 (sigh). My biggest grief (variable length record import) is supposedly fixed per the note in the box. If I find out anything extraordinary (good or bad), I'll let the list know. George -- George Raudabaugh Manager/Document Technologies Information Dimensions, Inc. raudabaugh@idicl1.idi.battelle.org (work email) 5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. Dublin, Ohio 43017 (614) 761-7309 (voice mail) ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1993 08:34:00 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Chuck Bennett (919)966-1134" Subject: Re: Access Upgrade I had thought that Microsoft was going to make an exception with Access 1.1 and make it extremely cheap. I have now gone back and reread the "Open letter to Microsoft Access Customers" in 3/1/93 Infoworld. They did not say that, but, they did say the following: "Thank you for your support, we'd like to offer you this new version of Microsoft Access, which will be available from your reseller and Microsoft. We ask only that you cover the minimal costs of materials and freight. All registered users of Microsoft Access will receive a Welcome Kit this spring that contains notification for this new release. The Welcome Kit will also include valuable information exculsively for registered users. ..." Has anyone received said Welcome Kit, I haven't. How much did the upgrade cost? Diskettes are about $1.00 each on the open retail market. I can't believe that there is $49 worth of paper in the new documentation. Chuck Bennett INTERNET #1: uchuck@uncmvs.oit.unc.edu Medical Sciences Teaching Labs INTERNET #2: uchuck@med.unc.edu CB# 7520 University of NC Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7520 PHONE: 919-966-1134 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1993 08:46:39 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: Access Upgrade In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 11 Jun 1993 08:34:00 EDT from The upgrade is $14.95 from MS, resellers may have it for less. The Welcome Kit, according to the MS reps on Compu$erve, is supposed to ship within the next two weeks. I can't believe that the manuals are $49 either. Can anyone from MS who's subscribed to this list please amplify what the difference are, or is there a manual supplement shipped with the upgrade kit so that those of us out here who don't have Bill's kind of money can keep up? PS, I was NOT pleased that the DOS 6.0 upgrade did not have a full manual with it. The online manual is useless to me. I don't work well with hypertext, manifestly preferring printed documentation. Also PS, would someone please send me an Internet address for Dawn Trudeau at Microsoft.Com? I have a user group bone to pick. I'll do it USnail if I have to, but this is a much better medium. :) (Or conversely, MS people, please have her get in touch with me.) -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1993 17:09:45 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Richard Brown (dickb)" Subject: Re: Access Upgrade The upgrade (disks and a supplemental Help file covering features new in 1.1) costs $14.95. Add that Help file to the documentation you got with 1.0, and you probably have all you need. If you want the full 1.1 documentation set (Help, Cue Cards, User's Guide, Language Reference, Intro to Programming, Getting Started), the same as what's included in the 1.1 retail package, that costs $49.95. Dick Brown Access User Education ---------- From: "Chuck Bennett 919966-1134" To: Multiple recipients of list ACCESS-L Subject: Re: Access Upgrade Date: Friday, June 11, 1993 08:34 I had thought that Microsoft was going to make an exception with Access 1.1 and make it extremely cheap. I have now gone back and reread the "Open letter to Microsoft Access Customers" in 3/1/93 Infoworld. They did not say that, but, they did say the following: "Thank you for your support, we'd like to offer you this new version of Microsoft Access, which will be available from your reseller and Microsoft. We ask only that you cover the minimal costs of materials and freight. All registered users of Microsoft Access will receive a Welcome Kit this spring that contains notification for this new release. The Welcome Kit will also include valuable information exculsively for registered users. ..." Has anyone received said Welcome Kit, I haven't. How much did the upgrade cost? Diskettes are about $1.00 each on the open retail market. I can't believe that there is $49 worth of paper in the new documentation. Chuck Bennett INTERNET #1: uchuck@uncmvs.oit.unc.edu Medical Sciences Teaching Labs INTERNET #2: uchuck@med.unc.edu CB# 7520 University of NC Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7520 PHONE: 919-966-1134 ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1993 13:42:01 -0500 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: George Raudabaugh Subject: Re: Access Upgrade I guess my $20 figure for the upgrade was confusing. That including tax and shipping. The cost for the doc is $49.50, plus $6.00 Freight, plus tax. I do wish Microsoft had decided to optionally released all this on CDROM and I could have reprinted what I wanted vs. purchasing the entire doc set. An "at cost" CDROM of the upgrade and the doc couldn't have cost $10 (including the mastering costs) assuming 10% of the purchasers of Access v1 went for it. George Raudabaugh --- Sorry, no sig because of the wrong brain-dead mail interface. ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1993 11:10:33 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Dan Tauber Subject: Access security and Novell Netware In-Reply-To: ; from "George Raudabaugh" at Jun 12, 93 1:42 pm I am placing a database on a Novell file server for people to access. I think I understand how to set up Access security to restrict access to parts of the database, but I'm unsure how to set up the Netware rights. It appears that I need to give everyone read/write rights to the database file. Is this true? Also, does anyone know how Access encrypts a database? Since Access doesn't carry any export restrictions, it must not be a secure method. Does it use a simple cipher? Thanks Dan Tauber dtauber@sybex.com ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1993 17:03:31 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Charles Langwell Organization: East Tennessee State University Subject: Re: Access Upgrade In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 11 Jun 1993 08:34:00 EDT from Please unsubscribe my acccount to this service ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1993 20:54:07 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: mgarzon%hobbes.UUCP@INDIGO.MESE.COM Subject: ACCESS Queries Record Count TO find out the number of records returned by a query use the DCOUNT function. Use the query name as the domain. It is explained oi n page 112 of the Access Language Refenect e. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 09:19:21 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Hilger Martin Dr." Subject: Menus / Access 1.1 Hi to all, MENUS ****** Is there any way to get a menu WITHOUT having to show a form? Now I have a "background"-form that's just there to make a menu possible but I don't regard this as very elegant. OUT OF MEMORY ************** I wonder if I'm the only one who still gets frequent "Not enough memory" or "No more tables can be opened" messages when opening reports?? I have some 20 attached dBase-Tables and some 40 - 50 queries based on them. The reports all have some small sub-reports. The .MDB is some 700 kB and all those DBFs are not larger than some kB. A lady on the MS-Hotline in Munich supposed it could be that so many (???) attached tables are responsible for the problem. DYNAMIC REPORTS ? ****************** Is there any way to base a report on a Dynaset or Snapshot created in Access Basic or do I have to use a "physically" available query or table that's in the database-container? What I want to do is to change conditions in a query dynamically via dialogs (forms) but it seems to me that there is no way to get a query definition changed AND then use this changed query-definition in a report. i.e.: I would like to change the sorting or the filter or the grouping but still use the same report. SECURITY ********* In version 1.0 and also in version 1.1 I had VERY OFTEN the problem that Access told me I would not have enough rights to open a query or table even when I HAD enough rights. Only saving the query under another name and then again under the first name solved this problem. INVISIBLE DATABASE-CONTAINER and AutoExec ****************************************** Is there any trick that PIM uses when I open the database? I do not seem to be able to avoid its AutoExec-macro to run when I press SHIFT. Thanks for any hint in advance Martin ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 07:38:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 24930617073842/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Menus / Access 1.1 Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 7:38 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 7:38 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 7:38 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 07:58:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 14930617075841/0003765414NA2EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 7:58 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 7:58 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 7:58 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 08:15:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 30930617081403/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 8:14 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 8:15 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 8:15 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 08:35:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 83930617083438/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 8:34 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 8:35 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 8:35 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 08:55:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 43930617085534/0003765414NA2EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 8:55 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 8:55 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 8:55 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 09:18:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 03930617091830/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 9:18 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 9:18 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 9:18 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 09:38:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 81930617093818/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 9:38 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 9:38 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 9:38 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 09:58:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 50930617095805/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 9:58 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 9:58 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 9:58 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 10:23:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 02930617102320/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 10:23 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 10:23 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 10:23 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 10:45:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 84930617104448/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 17, 1993 10:44 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 10:45 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 17, 1993 10:45 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 09:42:18 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: David John Lodge Subject: Variables in Access Basic I have been having a problem with using variables in Access Basic functions for my databases. I am trying to write a dlookup in the function, using one of the arguments to the function as part of the dlookup. Essentially, this is what I want: x=DLOOKUP("[XP Table]","XP Tables","[Class]=clss") where clss is the string argument of the function this contains. I have since managed to kludge around this a bit, but I was wondering if anyone would tell me what I am doing wrong. THanks, Dave Lodge -- Das ist nicht todt, was Zeit nicht kann verderben; Nach fremden Altern kann der Tod selbst sterben. -- Nach der Nekronomikonuebersetzung von Olaus Wormius lodge@owlnet.rice.edu dlodg00@ricevm1.rice.edu ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 08:12:13 PDT Reply-To: thamilto@pcocd2.intel.com Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Tony Hamilton - FES ERG~" Subject: Re: Menus / Access 1.1 In-Reply-To: <9306170724.AA13599@hermes.intel.com>; from "Hilger Martin Dr." at Jun 17, 93 9:19 am With regards to Out of Memory (and I just joined this list, by the way), Microsoft tells me this is most often a Windows resources problem, which Windows always incorrectly reports as low memory. Access 1.0 does a horrible job of using resources, apparently, and you may notice that it often does not return resources to Windows when it is closed. I hear Access 1.1 fixes this, so I'll have to hurry up and install it (I have it now) to see... -- Tony Hamilton | -Intel Corporation | voice: 916-356-3070 --Folsom Engineering Services | mailstop: FM2-55 ---Engineering Resource Group | email: thamilto@pcocd2.intel.com ----Software Technician | ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 11:05:28 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Phillip (Phil) Paxton" <72410.2162@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Menus / Access 1.1 > From: "Hilger Martin Dr.", INTERNET:HILGER@KPMG.CO.AT > MENUS > ****** > Is there any way to get a menu WITHOUT having to show a form? > Now I have a "background"-form that's just there to make a menu possible > but I don't regard this as very elegant. What do you mean "get a menu"? Do you mean how do you customize the options on the menu bar? If so, don't use a form. Look at the macro in the database or search on in the online help. > DYNAMIC REPORTS ? > ****************** > Is there any way to base a report on a Dynaset or Snapshot created in > Access Basic or do I have to use a "physically" available query or table > that's in the database-container? What I want to do is to change conditions > in a query dynamically via dialogs (forms) but it seems to me that there is > no way to get a query definition changed AND then use this changed > query-definition in a report. > i.e.: I would like to change the sorting or the filter or the grouping but > still use the same report. This sounds very strange. It sounds as though you are trying to use a hammer instead of a screwdriver. If you could describe what you are doing in a little more detail, a simple ("Make things simple, not simpler." -Erasmus) might present itself. > INVISIBLE DATABASE-CONTAINER and AutoExec > ****************************************** > Is there any trick that PIM uses when I open the database? I do not seem to > be able to avoid its AutoExec-macro to run when I press SHIFT. > > Thanks for any hint in advance I'm not sure how this is an "invisble database-container", but... To override the macro (fill in the .MDB name for PIM in this example to make it generic): Select _F_ile, _O_pen from the main Access menu and the "Open Dialog" dialog will appear. Select the database (PIM, in this case) with a single left-button mouse click (why Microsoft sells two-button mice when their applications are blind to the second button, I've not yet determined -- but they are nice mice). Instead of selecting the button, use SHIFT-ENTER. I've seen numerous other explanations in some form of shorthand on this discussion list, but they're all somewhat cryptic or leave something out. P.S. The PIM is a very nice application for Microsoft to have supplied. It's real-world and demonstrates a lot of useful principles (although I have souped up the address book a lot). Cheers Phillip Paxton Development Editor SAMS / Prentice Hall Computer Publishing Carmel, Indiana ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 11:49:24 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Mike Loucks Subject: Access Analyzer Feature? I am presently using the Analyzer feature to report my progress in table construction to my management. However, I use the "DESCRIPTION" field in the Table datasheet for comments to myself. The present implementation of Analyzer does not provide that output in the results. I have browsed around the system tables, but did not find the "DESCRIPTION" data anywhere. Any hints as to accessing the "DESCRIPTION" field in an Analyzer report? Thanx. Mike L. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 15:51:56 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Lance G. Biesele" Subject: NO SUBJECT GET WX0636 TEXT GET WX0637 TEXT GET WX0638 TEXT GET WX0639 TEXT GET WX0640 TEXT * Lance Biesele - NYS Dept of Health| * ESP - Corning Tower - Room 1227 |'It ain't necessarily so' * Albany, New York 12237 | I.Gershwin * LGB04@ALBNYDH2 518/474-6737 | ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 14:12:46 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Jim Renaud Subject: Re: Menus / Access 1.1 In the open database window selection I just hold the shift key while double clicking on the database I want. > > INVISIBLE DATABASE-CONTAINER and AutoExec > > ****************************************** > > > Is there any trick that PIM uses when I open the database? I do not seem to > > be able to avoid its AutoExec-macro to run when I press SHIFT. > > > > Thanks for any hint in advance > > I'm not sure how this is an "invisble database-container", but... > > To override the macro (fill in the .MDB name for PIM in > this example to make it generic): > > Select _F_ile, _O_pen from the main Access menu and the > "Open Dialog" dialog will appear. > > Select the database (PIM, in this case) with a single left-button > mouse click (why Microsoft sells two-button mice when their > applications are blind to the second button, I've not yet > determined -- but they are nice mice). > > Instead of selecting the button, use SHIFT-ENTER. > > I've seen numerous other explanations in some form of shorthand > on this discussion list, but they're all somewhat cryptic or leave > something out. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Jim Renaud [Standard Disclaimer] Amdahl Corporation M/S 205 Phone: 408-992-2662 Bldg. M3 Room 235 Fax: 408-773-0833 1230 E. Arques Avenue Email: wiseguy@mcode.amdahl.com Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3470 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1993 08:04:28 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Greg Fairnak Organization: The American University Subject: Setting RowSource properties? Can you dynamically set the RowSource Properties of a combo box? For example: Combo Box A has values 1-6 Combo Box B has RowSource set to a query. If user picks combo box A value 1, then combo box B has a RowSource = Query1 "" "" "" "" "" 2, "" "" "" "" Query2 I have tried using refresh query from a macro, although you never really OnExit combo box A. Any ideas? Am I going about this the hard way? I do not believe that BASIC will allow CB.RowSource = Query1 My only other option would be to put Combo Box A on a previous form and then set the properties ???? Any help would greatly be appreciated. Regards, Greg ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1993 12:35:02 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Mike Loucks Subject: Access/Word Perfect Reports Is there any way to export an Access Report into Word Perfect for Windows? Then the question arises, "Will it be editable?" How about any other word processors? - MS Word? Thanx. Mike. ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1993 18:35:31 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Greg Fairnak Organization: The American University Subject: ?Setting Combobox.RowSource Help, Can you set the RowSource Property of a combobox using access basic? I would like to have one combo box on a form which sets the RowSource of second combo box. Any ideas? Can combo boxes be refreshed or updated while a form is open? Thanks in advance, Greg ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1993 11:54:30 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Richard Moldwin In-Reply-To: Your message of Sun, 20 Jun 1993 18:35:31 EDT Hi Greg Your message touches on a recurring problem: the inability to change form and control properties unless the form is in "Design" view. The only way around this problem in Access Basic is illustrated in the following pseudo code: ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1993 18:08:51 BST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Anne L Zorner R27.G5/" Subject: Security urgent - Help please Microsoft SQL Support Section (SQS) Mail ALZ@UK.AC.RL.IB =============================================================== I am still using Access 1.0 I have followed the improved instructions as provided on a MIcrosoft Access seminar to generate a secure work group and a secure database. I created the database as a non admin user. I as a non admin user have created a table say DEMO1 and then removed all privileges to the groups USERS, GUESTS and ADMINS. I then appeared to have a secure database ie no other user can access that table. I then go back in as the extra admin userid (I called it DBA) and sure I could not access the table. I could however obtain authority over that table by assigning those privileges to myself. Thereby obtaining full authority to that table. Similarly I can access that database using a non secured work group .MBA file and assign all the authorities to myself (now ADMIN). Thus any user could obtain these privileges, I am sure this can't be right. What have I done wrong... this is urgent and very important! On tender hooks Anne Thankyou =============================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1993 12:00:19 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Richard Moldwin Subject: Garbled message This is the proper text (I hope) of my previous message: Your message touches on a recurring problem: the inability to change form and control properties unless the form is in "Design" view. The only way around this problem in Access Basic is illustrated in the following pseudo code (This is just a very general outline of the process): DoCmd Echo False DoCmd SetWarnings False DoCmd OpenForm in Design mode (see manual entry on OpenForm Action) Set property settings e.g. ComboBox.RowSource=[MyQuery] DoCmd OpenForm in Form or Datasheet View Reinitialize all AccessBasic Variables referring to forms or controls (e.g set Control(1) = Forms![Any Form])![The First Control] Requery form and all appropriate controls to refresh the data DoCmd Echo True DoCmd SetWarnings True I was told by one person at Microsoft that the next version may allow us to change property settings without this above approach. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 08:56:39 +1000 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Graeme Burton Subject: Info Designer Does anyone have any knowledge of Info Designer, a database designer? Is it any good? Is there a cheaper/better one? Ta. Cheers. =============================================================================== Graeme Burton | | Student Systems Manager| | Phone: (07) 875 7500 Griffith University | email: G.Burton@gu.edu.au | Nathan 4111 | | Fax: (07) 875 7957 Australia | | =============================================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 13:25:55 +0800 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.BITNET Subject: Re: ACCESS-L Digest - 10 Jun 1993 to 17 Jun 1993 Does anyone out there knows how to protect access to microsoft access file ? File , ordentry.mdb, I can easily access the file and change the code by changin g Microsoft Access option. That is, I open a new mdb file and set the macro to be single-step. I close the file and open ordentry.mdb. Microsoft Access will single-step thru' ordentry. mdb allowing me to halt the autoexec macro and access ordentry.mdb. Thanks in advance Chor Ling NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.NTU.AC.SG ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 14:38:39 +0800 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Thylacine carpe diem ! Subject: How to use the Analyzer? Hi! I'm rather new to Access programming. I read that the Analyzer can help to document some of the program, but my question is how? I tried loading the ANALYZER.MDA, opened the forms, tried running the first one but nothing much seems to be happening. What did I go wrong? Where's the documentation for this file? Thanks. Lim Huey Bing ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 15:36:38 +0800 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.BITNET Subject: Re: ACCESS-L Digest - 10 Jun 1993 to 17 Jun 1993 Microsoft Access SQL -------------------- Does anyone knows whether Microsoft Access supports SQL NOT EXISTS ? I tried a couple of times but to no avail. Kindly give me an example if U know. Thanks Chor Ling NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.NTU.AC.SG ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 17:25:37 CET Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Hilger Robert Subject: Re: Variables in Access Basic D> I have been having a problem with using variables in Access Basic D> functions for my databases. I am trying to write a dlookup in the D> function, using one of the arguments to the function as part of the D> dlookup. Essentially, this is what I want: D> D> x=DLOOKUP("[XP Table]","XP Tables","[Class]=clss") D> where clss is the string argument of the function this contains. D> D> I have since managed to kludge around this a bit, but I was wondering D> if anyone would tell me what I am doing wrong. ***** NOTES from Hilger Robert (RHILGER @ KPMG) at 23.06.93 17:16 IMO: Define a string var: StringVar="[Class]=" + clss Try: x=DLOOKUP("[XP Table]","XP Tables",StringVar) HTHs Robert ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 15:22:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: CALLAHAN Subject: Table name as a variable? I'd like to use the value of a field as the name of a table. For example, on page 19 of the Access User's Guide, I would want to use the Category ID field in the bottom Products table to open another table named BEVR or COND instead of having a single table named Categories. I guess I want to be able to open a table whose name is a variable with data that comes from a field. One reason to do this is to allow different types of info for each condiment category, e.g. 3 data fields for BEVR but 7 data fields for COND). Another reason to do this is to have the same key for different categories (like a Product ID of 70 for both BEVR and COND tables so I'd open the BEVR table and Product ID 70 would have different info than in the COND table, i.e. Product ID and Category ID together become a new key). I hope I can do this with Access Basic, but I'm not entirely clear on how. If it can be done, can it be done only for reports and forms? Can it be done for dynamic queries? And is there an easier way to do this? Or a harder way, maybe using SQL? Thanks. --michael-- callahan%dialogvm@mcimail.com P.S. While this Condiment example is a bit contrived, it illustrates my real-world example. If this doesn't make sense or you need more info about the problem, I'd be happy to provide brief details of the real application. ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 13:57:42 PDT Reply-To: thamilto@pcocd2.intel.com Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Tony Hamilton - FES ERG~" Subject: Re: Info Designer In-Reply-To: <9306232052.AA13600@hermes.intel.com>; from "Graeme Burton" at Jun 23, 93 8:56 am I am using a beta version of Info Designer (it is not a production product yet). It is more appropriately called an "Information Modeling" tool. I cannot discuss specifics, as I am under a non-disclosure agreement with them. However, I can say that it is most complete. The method of using Object Role Modeling to develop your information model is great. They have made it so that you don't even have to learn any kind of language or anything. It's all graphical. It also does a good job of transforming what you have modeled into Access. I expect it won't be long before it is in a production release. The verison I have is great, though. It's very expensive, though. Finally, I am fairly good at database design myself, and wouldn't use a tool like Info Designer for simple database structures. I would define anything simple as having 10 or less related tables with about 10 fields per table, but that definition may change for each person. Definitely, if you are designing a database with a large number of tables and such, this kind of tool could be invaluable, and might just make or break your success. The hardest part is to get into the mode of thinking about information and facts, not tables and fields. InfoDesigner and other similar tools does most of the thinking for you, but you do have to understand relational database theory somewhat in order to be effective with a tool like this. -- Tony Hamilton | -Intel Corporation | voice: 916-356-3070 --Folsom Engineering Services | mailstop: FM2-55 ---Engineering Resource Group | email: thamilto@pcocd2.intel.com ----Software Technician | ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 21:29:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 31930623213013/0003765414NA2EM Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:30 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:29 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:29 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 18:01:08 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Kha Tran Subject: Re: How to use the Analyzer? In-Reply-To: Your message dated "Wed, 23 Jun 1993 14:38:39 +0800" <199306232050.AA21871@hp4at.eunet.co.at> >Hi! I'm rather new to Access programming. I read that the Analyzer >can help to document some of the program, but my question is how? > >I tried loading the ANALYZER.MDA, opened the forms, tried running the >first one but nothing much seems to be happening. What did I go wrong? >Where's the documentation for this file? > >Thanks. > > >Lim Huey Bing Check the readme files created in your ACCESS directory by the install process. As I recall, one of those files has lots of tips and answers to frequently asked questions. As usual, most people, me too, don't read those READ.ME files until after we had spent a considerable of time in vain. We just go straight to the application. ;-)) Kha ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 15:12:07 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Bill Stewart Subject: Re: How to use the Analyzer? There is a Read.me type file that comes as part of the Access package. I think you'll find your answer there. Bill Stewart Glendale Community College Glendale, AZ. 85345 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 21:54:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 91930623215419/0003765414NA3EM Subject: How to use the Analyzer? Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:54 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:54 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:54 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 21:55:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 03930623215530/0003765414NA2EM Subject: Re: ACCESS-L Digest - 10 Jun 1993 to 17 Jun 1993 Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:55 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:55 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:55 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 21:56:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 35930623215653/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Re: ACCESS-L Digest - 10 Jun 1993 to 17 Jun 1993 Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:56 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:56 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:56 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 21:56:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 20930623215702/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Security urgent - Help please Microsoft Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:57 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:56 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:56 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 21:57:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 22930623215722/0003765414NA2EM Subject: Info Designer Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:57 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:57 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:57 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 21:57:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 80930623215708/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Garbled message Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:57 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:57 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:57 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 21:58:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 72930623215727/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Re: Variables in Access Basic Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:57 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:58 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 9:58 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 15:15:09 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Bill Stewart Subject: Re: ACCESS-L Digest - 10 Jun 1993 to 17 Jun 1993 To not have the autoexec macro execute upon start up simply hold down the shift key while the database is loading. Let me know if this isn't what you were looking for. Bill Stewart Glendale Community College Glendale, AZ. 85302 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 22:12:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 52930623221125/0003765414NA4EM Subject: Table name as a variable? Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 10:11 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 10:12 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 10:12 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 22:40:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 34930623223943/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Wed Jun 23, 1993 10:39 pm GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 10:40 pm GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Wed Jun 23, 1993 10:40 pm GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:31:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 00930624013100/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:30 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:31 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:31 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:34:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 65930624013456/0003765414NA2EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:34 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:34 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:34 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:34:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 00930624013500/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:34 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:34 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:34 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:35:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 72930624013527/0003765414NA2EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:35 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:35 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:35 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:35:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 33930624013533/0003765414NA2EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:35 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:35 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:35 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:38:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 04930624013740/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Re: How to use the Analyzer? Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:37 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:38 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:38 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:38:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 10930624013801/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:38 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:38 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:38 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:39:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 23930624013832/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:38 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:39 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:39 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:39:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 65930624013856/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:38 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:39 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:39 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:43:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 32930624014323/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:43 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:43 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:43 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:50:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 20930624015102/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:51 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:50 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:50 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:50:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 30930624015103/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:51 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:50 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:50 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:51:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 21930624015112/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:51 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:51 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:51 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:52:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 24930624015242/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:52 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:52 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:52 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:55:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 13930624015431/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:54 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:55 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:55 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:55:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 02930624015520/0003765414NA4EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:55 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:55 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:55 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:56:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 01930624015510/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:55 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:56 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:56 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 01:56:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 45930624015554/0003765414NA4EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:55 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:56 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:56 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 02:00:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 21930624015912/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:59 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:00 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:00 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 02:03:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 14930624020241/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:02 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:03 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:03 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 02:06:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 10930624020301/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:03 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:06 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:06 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 02:07:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 60930624020706/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:07 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:07 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:07 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 02:07:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 21930624020712/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:07 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:07 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:07 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 02:07:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 62930624020726/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:07 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:07 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:07 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 12:19:02 +1000 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Graeme Burton Subject: Re: Message Status Could someone please fix callahan and chen on the system - I am (as I am sure others are) being bombarded by an undeliverable mail message to these recipients. Help! Ta. =============================================================================== Graeme Burton | | Student Systems Manager| | Phone: (07) 875 7500 Griffith University | email: G.Burton@gu.edu.au | Nathan 4111 | | Fax: (07) 875 7957 Australia | | =============================================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 02:13:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 64930624021346/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:13 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:13 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:13 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 02:21:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "MCI Mail X.400 Service" Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 93930624022039/0003765414NA3EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:20 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:21 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 2:21 am GMT ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 09:12:28 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Digest now daily The ACCESS-L digest is now being sent on a basis rather than weekly. I had a request for this change that sounded reasonable to me (who wants to wait a week to see what's going on?) and implemented it just a few moments ago. Again, on the bounces from MCIMAIL.COM, I I have kludged a solution that will work for the time being. Please understand that what POSTMASTER@MCIMAIL.COM is doing is not standard procedure. Bounces from a LISTSERV list are to be directed to the userid specified in the Errors-To= keyword in the list header. I am going to send a strongly worded complaint to this postmaster and ask him to get his act in compliance with standard procedure. Sorry for the inconvenience...waking up to 20-odd error messages is no fun for me either. :) -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 08:46:28 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Bounces from MCIMAIL Apologies for all the bounces from POSTMASTER@MCIMAIL.COM. They are originating from MSACCESS and I will filter them out as soon as possible. Hopefully this will not happen again. Nathan Brindle Adminstrator, ACCESS-L@INDYCMS -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 06:35:38 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Hal Stitt Subject: Re: Message Status This is the second time I have received a long list of undeliverable messages to Chen on MCI mail. I don't know Chen, and I haven't sent him any mail. Any chance these undeliverable messages could be sent to whoever is trying to reach Chen??? Thanks, Hal Stitt ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 08:42:00 +0100 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Comments: Sent using PMDF-822 , routing is done by ECNICE From: Dennis Vroegop Subject: Re: Message Status I am getting a bit sick of these "message status" mails. Could someone please fix this? Dennis Vroegop VROEGOP@ECN.NL ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 08:06:25 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: David So Subject: Re: Message Status What is going on? This is the 2nd times I receive a pile of the following message. thanks/david ----- Begin Included Message ----- From uga.cc.uga.edu!INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU!OWNER-ACCESS-L@uunet.ca Thu Jun 24 08:04:0 4 1993 Subject: Message Status DELIVERY NOTICE Referencing: Message id: 24930624015242/0003765414NA1EM Subject: Message Status Posted: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:52 am GMT Your Message To: callahan EMS: DIALOG MBX: callahan could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:52 am GMT Your Message To: chen EMS: DIALOG MBX: chen could not be delivered to this recipient. Reason: Unable to transfer. Diagnostic: Label in address not known to MCI Mail. This non-delivery notice generated: Thu Jun 24, 1993 1:52 am GMT ----- End Included Message ----- ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 11:37:33 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Phillip (Phil) Paxton" <72410.2162@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Re: Message Status ---------- Forwarded Message ---------- From: Hal Stitt, INTERNET:halstitt@NETCOM.COM > This is the second time I have received a long list of undeliverable messages t> o Chen on MCI mail. I don't know Chen, and I haven't sent him any mail. > Any chance these undeliverable messages could be sent to whoever is trying > to reach Chen??? I'm not receiving any of them. The best thing to do (for all parties), is to send messages such as yours to the owner of the list, not the list itself. If it appears there is a problem, the owner should set the problem recipient's subscription status to "NOMAIL" and send them a message stating such and attempt to debug the problem. It's best for the owner to wait a couple of days as occasionally gateways are taken down for maintenance & upgrades, particularly during the summer when academic facilities are on a more relaxed schedule. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 09:47:42 +0800 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.BITNET Subject: Re: ACCESS-L Digest - 10 Jun 1993 to 17 Jun 1993 Does anyone out there knows how to display a list box containing all assets curr ently not under repair given this scenario ??? 1 Asset record can have 0 to N repair records. Tables: Asset Repair Fields: ID ---------------------- ID Description Date of Repair Date of Return Display all assets that are not currently under repair ie. Date of Return cannot be NULL. eg. Asset.ID Asset.Description 1 HP Printer 2 Color Monitor 3 Barcode Reader Repair.ID Repair.[Date of Repair] Repair.[Date of Return] 2 1-Jan-93 3-Jan-93 2 4-Feb-93 6-Feb-93 3 24-Jun-93 The List box should display Asset.ID Asset.Description 1 HP Printer 2 Color Monitor I have tried using List-Box.row source = select Asset.ID,Asset.Description from Asset where NOT EXISTS ( select * from Repair where Repair.ID=Asset.ID and Repair.[Date of Return] IS NULL ) ; However, Microsoft Access does not accept NOT EXISTS. :-( Does anyone know how to do it ??? Chor Ling NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.NTU.AC.SG ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1993 21:21:00 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Loop is fixed MCIMAIL's looped messages are now coming to the administrative account for this list. This problem should be solved. Everyone cross your fingers... -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 12:21:42 +1000 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Graeme Burton Subject: Re: ACCESS-L Digest - 10 Jun 1993 to 17 Jun 1993 If you do an outer join in your select query (this will get all records, including those with no attached asset records) and then check date of repair for not null. This should select: a. All assets with no repair record (therefore, not under repair) b. All assets with repair record(s) but with a repair date Thought: This may not give an accurate picture for assets with multiple repairs. Perhaps the most reliable way is to write an access basic function that takes an asset number and returns "True" if it finds any related record that has a null return date, otherwise, returns "False". You could then use this function (e.g. IsUnderRepair([asset number])) as the criterion in your list box selet query. I have found that some of these types of functions are very easy to write and really simplify some tasks in Access. I hope this is of some use. Sorry about the 'off the track' rambling at the start. Cheers. Graeme. =============================================================================== Graeme Burton | | Student Systems Manager| | Phone: (07) 875 7500 Griffith University | email: G.Burton@gu.edu.au | Nathan 4111 | | Fax: (07) 875 7957 Australia | | =============================================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 12:56:01 +0200 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "M. Ederveen" Subject: Problem checking OLE overwrite Hiya, I'm fine-tuning the application I made with Access and the following problem occurred: I'm using a picture (OLE-object) of a persons' autograph in the database. The picture is supposed to be scanned and Pasted into the form. I created a custom menu bar with the Paste function added. This works fine. Only thing is: I'd like to protect the picture from being overwritten by mistake. So I tried using the ISNULL function in the same macro that activates the Paste function in the custom menu bar. This works but not good: the check is made properly but then the Paste function cannot be activated anymore. Also the field property of an OLE-object doesn't have features like ON-ENTER and ON-UPDATE, so how can I do this? Martin. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ing. Martin W. Ederveen | "In the future there will be real | | Hogeschool Eindhoven | thinking machines. | | Rachelsmolen 1 | Yes, but who's thoughts will they | | 5612 MA Eindhoven | be thinking?" | | tel. +31 (40) 605 262 | | | MARTIN@HSEPM1.HSE.NL | Quotation from Dr.Who: The Curse | | SURF017@KUB.NL | of Fenric | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 10:33:41 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Access Knowledge Base now available I have made the Access Knowledge Base available via LISTSERV@INDYCMS. It is in the form of a Windows Help file, runs about 680KB (532KB in the archive form) and is VERY complete. It is dated February 28 and is apparently the latest version as I downloaded it from Compuserve last night. (It is also a later version than the version available from CICA.) ACC-KB.EXE takes the place of all the little text files that were previously available (since all those little text files are included in the Knowledge Base). I hope to keep the latest version of this file online at all times so that anyone who wants to use AFD or FUI (please see the LISTSERV documentation on those functions!!!) can do so. ACC-KB.EXE is a self-dissolving archive file which can be placed in your C:\ACCESS directory and run from File Manager or the DOS prompt. It will expand in to ACC-KB.HLP and README.TXT, after which you can delete the .EXE file. To get the file ACC-KB.EXE sent to you, please send the following command to LISTSERV@INDYCMS, >NOT< to the list: GET ACC-KB EXE CMS users can send the interactive command TELL LISTSERV@INDYCMS GET ACC-KB EXE . VAX/VMS users can send the interactive command SEND LISTSERV@INDYCMS GET ACC-KB EXE . To get an index of the files available for ACCESS-L, send the command IND ACCESS-L to LISTSERV@INDYCMS. Nathan Brindle Administrator, ACCESS-L -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 11:23:14 EST Reply-To: Nathan Brindle Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: TO ADMINISTRATORS OF REDISTRIBUTION LISTS This message is intended for the administrators of the redistribution lists that are currently hooked into ACCESS-L@INDYCMS. Apologies to subscribers for taking up bandwidth. I would like to hear from as many of you as possible in regard to how many users you are redistributing mail to from this list. I need to be able to make an intelligent estimate as to how many people are served by the list either directly or indirectly. Thanks very much for your help. (It would also be handy for me to know who you are in case I find myself deluged with more looped mail from users who are not directly subscribed to the list.) Nathan Brindle Administrator, ACCESS-L@INDYCMS -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 19:25:43 BST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Anne L Zorner R27.G5/" Subject: acc-kb.exe error running it SQL Support Section (SQS) Mail ALZ@UK.AC.RL.IB =============================================================== Nathan I used the cms tell command to get acc-kb.exe and then downloaded it to my pc. When I try and run it I get the following F:\WINAPPS\ACCESS>acc-kb.exe PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 2.04g 02-01-93 Copr. 1989-1993 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shareware version PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. Searching EXE: F:/WINAPPS/ACCESS/ACC-KB.EXE PKSFX: (E51) F:/WINAPPS/ACCESS/ACC-KB.EXE - error in ZIP any ideas ? I wondered whther there would be problems if this was run on a machine that did not use a USA character set or something? Anne Thankyou =============================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 16:45:33 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: acc-kb.exe error running it In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 25 Jun 1993 19:25:43 BST from I will check on the ACC-KB.EXE file and let you know. Remember that it must be downloaded as a binary file. It's possible that it got scrambled when I uploaded it. Nathan -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 16:55:36 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: acc-kb.exe error running it In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 25 Jun 1993 19:25:43 BST from I think I know what the problem is--I was not aware of the 400kb daily quota and I suspect it may be truncating the file. Don't know this for sure but I will do some checking and try to have it available one way or another by Monday. It is a nice thing to have and I hope this problem doesn't deep-six my offering it to the list. In the meantime ACC-KB.EXE will be removed from the filelist. In answer to the user who wanted a uucoded version, I will try to accommodate you also. Nathan -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 19:33:57 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: ACC-KB availability OK. (He wipes the sweat from his brow.) :) ACC-KB.EXE is not and will not be available from the listserver in binary, ready to run format because of its length and apparent problems with downloading it from the listserver. HOWEVER: ACC-KB.EXE is now available from the listserver in UUENCODED format. It is in 4 pieces because of the length. To get it sent to you, send the command GET ACC-KB PACKAGE to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET. You still run up against the 400kb daily quota limit. If so, you can get two of the files at a time. The file names are ACC-KB1 UUE ACC-KB2 UUE ACC-KB3 UUE ACC-KB4 UUE There is also an instruction file called HOWTO HANDLE that I strongly urge you to get and read. You don't just UUdecode those 4 files as is. Also: I just finished uploading ACC-KB.EXE to CICA. You can FTP it out of the /pub/pc/win3/uploads directory. (That's for those who are having trouble getting it from the listserver or who just don't want to mess with uucode.) CICA's IP address is FTP.CICA.INDIANA.EDU. They just added an Access directory not too long ago and it's pretty bereft of stuff....:) I really believe this thing is worth the all the trouble. I was scanning through it this afternoon and the little code snippets (and whole functions in some cases) are really impressive. MS did a nice job on this. *applause* Nathan Brindle List Administrator, ACCESS-L@INDYCMS -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 18:37:47 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Phillip (Phil) Paxton" <72410.2162@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: acc-kb.exe error running it If you are using "TELL" then you are accessing (pun intended) it via the BITNET link -- if it's bigger than 400k, that's a heck of a chunk to be travelling down the pipe...why not FTP it? (or download it from Compu$erve) =============================================================== Nathan I used the cms tell command to get acc-kb.exe and then downloaded it to my pc. When I try and run it I get the following F:\WINAPPS\ACCESS>acc-kb.exe PKSFX (R) FAST! Self Extract Utility Version 2.04g 02-01-93 Copr. 1989-1993 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. Shareware version PKSFX Reg. U.S. Pat. and Tm. Off. Searching EXE: F:/WINAPPS/ACCESS/ACC-KB.EXE PKSFX: (E51) F:/WINAPPS/ACCESS/ACC-KB.EXE - error in ZIP any ideas ? I wondered whther there would be problems if this was run on a machine that did not use a USA character set or something? Anne Thankyou ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1993 22:41:56 -0500 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: George Raudabaugh Subject: Re: ACC-KB availability Nathan, I sent GET ACC-KB PACKAGE to LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET and got all of the pieces back in about 45 minutes. I did a short cut and simply appended the UUD files together and used UUDOALL.EXE to create ACC-KB.EXE. ACC-KB.EXE extracted great. I and I am sure others appreciate you effort here. A couple questions/suggestions/strawmans: 1. I got UUDOALL.EXE either from SIMTEL or comp.binaries.ibm.pc. If you are going to be packaging stuff on the listserv, this thing is invaluable. 2. Yes, CICA is pretty empty of Access stuff. The problem I see is that all of Access lives in a .MDB file that also unfortunately includes the data as well as the non-data portions. I've got several cases where I can share the non-data (the table defs, the modules, the forms, etc) but not the data. Are there good ways to do this? 3. I'd like to suggest a "list" project of developing an access app to allowing looking at the CICA index list via access. I'm willing to grab the CICA index periodically, import it and then put it on CICA (and possibly the listserv) if the adminstrators of CICA and the listserv agree, if the separation of data vs. apps is resolved (see #2) and if I really get a decent FTP line (two weeks, I hope). Lastly, I got the "welcome" package yesterday. Since I had already upgraded, not much new (the disk enclosed looked interesting, but I haven't tried it yet). The one thing that did stick out, and I hope someone from MicroSoft will correct me here if I misread - you don't have to buy 4000 copies of the upgrade to upgrade 4000 copies of access, just one. In fact, the only restriction on using the upgrade is that it be used on a licensed version of 1.0. It can be used as many times as necessary. To most of this list this may not seem significant, but today I meet a someone who's company really does have 4000 licensed copies of access. And their upgrade cost is $20 (includes S/H) for all 4000 if what I read is correct. Enjoy, and many thanks to Nathan for this list. GR -- George Raudabaugh Manager/Document Technologies Information Dimensions, Inc. raudabaugh@idi.oclc.org (work email) 5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. Dublin, Ohio 43017 (614) 761-7309 (voice mail) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1993 01:15:10 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Phillip (Phil) Paxton" <72410.2162@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: ACC-KB availability CICA's IP address is FTP.CICA.INDIANA.EDU. They just added an Access directory not too long ago and it's pretty bereft of stuff....:) Actually, a small point of clarification regarding nomenclature. IP addresses are numeric. ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1993 01:30:22 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Phillip (Phil) Paxton" <72410.2162@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Public Apps & 1.1 Upgrade .2. Yes, CICA is pretty empty of Access stuff. The problem I see is that . all of Access lives in a .MDB file that also unfortunately includes . the data as well as the non-data portions. I've got several cases . where I can share the non-data (the table defs, the modules, the . forms, etc) but not the data. Are there good ways to do this? The MSACCESS forum on Compu$erve has a number of nice utilities, most of the good ones have come as examples from MS. At this point in time, my observation as I've worked on finishing our Developer's Guide is (that) most of the people capable of writing good public apps are either working on writing a book or writing applications for clients and cleaning up. .I got the "welcome" package yesterday. Since I had already upgraded, not .much new (the disk enclosed looked interesting, but I haven't tried it yet). .The one thing that did stick out, and I hope someone from MicroSoft will .correct me here if I misread - you don't have to buy 4000 copies of the .upgrade to upgrade 4000 copies of access, just one. In fact, the only .restriction on using the upgrade is that it be used on a licensed version .of 1.0. It can be used as many times as necessary. .To most of this list this may not seem significant, but today I meet a someone .who's company really does have 4000 licensed copies of access. And their .upgrade cost is $20 (includes S/H) for all 4000 if what I read is correct. I dunno. I read it as "...you may apply this to any system which is legally licensed to run Access 1.0...". Now I did notice how MS smurfed up in one regard: as one of the few software vendors (that) still brands the install disk & the installed software, this means if you don't make a copy of the unbranded install disk, everyone upgrading (albeit legally) will have the same name & company housewide. Since the upgrade is dependent upon 1.0 already existing on the machine, I see it as overkill... Phillip Paxton Development Editor SAMS/Prentice Hall Computer Publishing CARmel, Indiana (carMEL is in California) ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1993 09:25:18 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: acc-kb.exe error running it In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 25 Jun 1993 18:37:47 EDT from <72410.2162@COMPUSER VE.COM> On Fri, 25 Jun 1993 18:37:47 EDT Phillip (Phil) Paxton said: >If you are using "TELL" then you are accessing (pun intended) it via >the BITNET link -- if it's bigger than 400k, that's a heck of a chunk to >be travelling down the pipe...why not FTP it? > >(or download it from Compu$erve) > You can't FTP from a LISTSERVer--at least not from LISTSERV@INDYCMS--that's why I had to put it on CICA. :) And not everyone is on Compu$erve--which is, in fact, where I got the file in the first place. :)) -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1993 09:29:13 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: ACC-KB availability In-Reply-To: Message of Fri, 25 Jun 1993 22:41:56 -0500 from On Fri, 25 Jun 1993 22:41:56 -0500 George Raudabaugh said: > (some stuff deleted for space) >A couple questions/suggestions/strawmans: > >1. I got UUDOALL.EXE either from SIMTEL or comp.binaries.ibm.pc. If you > are going to be packaging stuff on the listserv, this thing is invaluable. George, can you put that up on CICA? I don't think it lives there. :) >2. Yes, CICA is pretty empty of Access stuff. The problem I see is that > all of Access lives in a .MDB file that also unfortunately includes > the data as well as the non-data portions. I've got several cases > where I can share the non-data (the table defs, the modules, the > forms, etc) but not the data. Are there good ways to do this? I could imagine copying your table structure to another, temporary table, which could be imported into another .MDB file which could then be shared with others. In fact, I had a thought on this which I will expand upon below. Anyway, see the dialog box that pops up when you copy objects (specifically tables)--it should have a check box for structure and data or structure only. >3. I'd like to suggest a "list" project of developing an access app > to allowing looking at the CICA index list via access. I'm willing > to grab the CICA index periodically, import it and then put it on > CICA (and possibly the listserv) if the adminstrators of CICA and > the listserv agree, if the separation of data vs. apps is resolved > (see #2) and if I really get a decent FTP line (two weeks, I hope). > Since (IMHO) the objects in an .MDB don't to have any relationship to each other (and man, you should see one .MDB I keep at work!), there's no reason why we couldn't create something like a "Best of ACCESS-L" .MDB file every now and then with object, macro, and code contributions in easily "Access-able" (pardon the pun) form. This would be a sort of "magazine" of ready-to-run tips and tricks, etc., for the list. >Lastly, > >I got the "welcome" package yesterday. Since I had already upgraded, not >much new (the disk enclosed looked interesting, but I haven't tried it yet). >The one thing that did stick out, and I hope someone from MicroSoft will >correct me here if I misread - you don't have to buy 4000 copies of the >upgrade to upgrade 4000 copies of access, just one. In fact, the only >restriction on using the upgrade is that it be used on a licensed version >of 1.0. It can be used as many times as necessary. > >To most of this list this may not seem significant, but today I meet a someone >who's company really does have 4000 licensed copies of access. And their >upgrade cost is $20 (includes S/H) for all 4000 if what I read is correct. > I got my "Welcome" package the other day, too, and I'm somewhat mollified about the non-free upgrade (after the rumors that had been going around) by the fact that as George states, you need only purchase one copy for everyone. George, I'm glad you're getting use out of ACC-KB and I hope others will find it useful as well. Enjoy! -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Sat, 26 Jun 1993 12:45:29 +0800 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.BITNET Subject: Report Does anyone know how to print report containing the number of records printed wi thout programming ? eg. table1.no table1.description 10 Printer 12 Reader Report 1 10 Printer 2 12 Reader Chor Ling NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.NTU.AC.SG ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 09:25:05 +0800 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Thylacine carpe diem ! Subject: Re: Report You mean sub-totals of sorts? If so then group the records and get their totals using COUNT(fieldname) in the Reports section. Huey Bing ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 15:04:24 +0800 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.BITNET Subject: SQL I notice if I format sql statement in listbox.rowsource, the output heading of listbox will be empty. eg. Table1 ------ ID - Number Description - Text listbox.rowsource=select format(table1.ID,"000"),Table1.description from table1 The output will be | Description 001 Bath Tub Does anyone know how to overcome this problem without creating any query ? Chor Ling NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.NTU.AC.SG ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 10:22:15 BST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Anne L Zorner R27.G5/" Subject: The security WHITE PAPER SQL Support Section (SQS) Mail ALZ@UK.AC.RL.IB =============================================================== Has anyone been able to get hold of the Security White paper, I thought that it was in the ACC-KB but there is very little on security in there. I do not have access to compuserve but I did try to use a UK microsoft Help BBS service at Reading Winersh, but couldnt find any ACCESS directory, and none of the stuff seemed to have been updated since april 1992 anyway. So I would be very grateful if someone would post it somewhere, eg CICA (which was where I grabed the ACC-KB from in the end...thanks Nathan). Anne Thankyou =============================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 08:56:18 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: VisBas 3.0 offer Just out of curiosity....did anyone else get an offer from Microsoft for a copy of Visual Basic for Windows 3.0 that was apparently sent out to registered Access users? I got one last Friday and just got a chance to look at it. The basic facts are $99 for VisBas 3.0 and $199 for VisBas 3.0 Professional Edition, and the offer runs till August 15. Both versions include the Access database engine (v. 1.1) and OLE 2.0. The additional features available in the Professional Edition are * Full OBDC support, including scrollable cursor support * Microsoft SQL Server, SYBASE SQL server, and Oracle OBDC drivers * Programmatic data access layer (Database object, Table object, Querydef object, Dynaset object, Snapshot object, Field object, Index object) * _Crystal Reports for Visual Basic_, including 2-pass reporting, grouping, mailing labels, and drag and drop--all with no run-time fee * Professional controls: animated button, gauge, graph, keystate, 3-D interface (6 controls), bitmap clipping, Messaging APO (2 MAPI controls), pen computing (4 controls), multimedia, comm port, spin button, and masked edit * Professional data-aware controls: masked edit, 3-D panel, and 3-D check box * Outline control, for easy hierarchical list boxes * Report control, to embed reports easily * Online Windows 3.1 API reference * Custom Control Development Kit for creating your own custom controls, including data-aware controls (requires use of a C or C++ development system such as the Microsoft Visual C++ development system) Having avoided VB until now, I may have to succumb and give it a try, especially with the price on the ADK up so high... -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 12:46:55 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Brian Henning Subject: Access Work Phillip Paxton writes... The MSACCESS forum on Compu$erve has a number of nice utilities, most of the good ones have come as examples from MS. At this point in time, my observation as I've worked on finishing our Developer's Guide is (that) most of the people capable of writing good public apps are either working on writing a book or writing applications for clients and cleaning up. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is off the technical track a little but still related to Access. Do other people feel there is much of a market for MS Access skills? I've just finished a significant contract using Access and am wrapping up my MS/MIS down here in Tucson. I'm moving back to the Bay Area an am wondering what the contract prospects look like. Are major corps using this product? Are they going outside for help? Brian Henning U of AZ (for now) ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 16:04:51 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: The security WHITE PAPER In-Reply-To: Message of Mon, 28 Jun 1993 10:22:15 BST from I'll check tonight on the Security White Paper on Compuserve. If it's there, I'll be glad to download it myself and post it on CICA and on the LISTSERV. Nathan -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 18:10:59 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Phillip (Phil) Paxton" <72410.2162@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Access Work > Subject: Access Work > X-To: ACCESS-L%INDYCMS.bitnet@ARIZVM1.ccit.arizona.edu > To: Multiple recipients of list ACCESS-L > > Phillip Paxton writes... > The MSACCESS forum on Compu$erve has a number of nice utilities, most of the > good ones have come as examples from MS. At this point in time, my observation > as I've worked on finishing our Developer's Guide is (that) most of the people > capable of writing good public apps are either working on writing a book or > writing applications for clients and cleaning up. > ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ > > This is off the technical track a little but still related to Access. Do other > people feel there is much of a market for MS Access skills? I've just finished > a significant contract using Access and am wrapping up my MS/MIS down here in > Tucson. I'm moving back to the Bay Area an am wondering what the contract > prospects look like. Are major corps using this product? Are they going outside > for help? > Brian Henning > U of AZ (for now) I wouldn't worry too much, Brian -- considering the material posted to a lot of lists, you aren't really off the beaten path. I know of several very large corporate commitments to Access. In my dealings so far, I've run into a lot of people who are busy doing training in those environments in addition to their writing of books or consulting & contracting. I think those (persons & corporations) who have pooh-poohed Access because it appears too simple or beneath them have failed to realize just what is available in this package. There are some (not as many as one might think in a v1.0) design flaws, but pound-for-pound, I find it to be an elegant platform. I'm somewhat teased here because of my tendency to use this product when I need something quick (and still stands the chance of becoming permanent -- never underestimate the ability of a one-time project to become ongoing) over FoxPro, Paradox, dBASE, etc. when I'm pretty adept at all of the packages. But the one word I've used since I first saw Access in Beta (what seems) long ago is this: "enchanted". If this is where they are starting, where will it end? ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 23:21:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Clare Love <0005794946@MCIMAIL.COM> Subject: Problem with Analyzer I'm having difficulty using the "Analyzer" macro provided with Access Version 1.1. I installed the "Database Analyzer" following the proceedure outlined in Answer 23 of the Q&A file(steps 1 thru 7) using NWIND as my database. I used the clipboard to copy the Analyzer macro to my own database MFG. I created a new Analyzer.mda to recieve the output. Using my own database MFG, I performed steps 1 thru 6 of the table analysis procedure then got stopped with the message: [3012] An error has occurred in the Analyzer library at DumpTableInfo: Object 'DTSysQuery' already exists. Can someone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Clare Love 579-4946@MCIMail.com 621 M St. Voice (206) 533-3484 Hoquiam WA 98550 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 20:14:05 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: The security WHITE PAPER In-Reply-To: Message of Mon, 28 Jun 1993 10:22:15 BST from Whether or not I found the same "white paper" that you want, Anne, there is now available from LISTSERV@INDYCMS a copy of a paper describing the Access security model. It was posted on Compuserve in February. You can get it by sending the command GET SECURE TEXT to LISTSERV@INDYCMS. This is a text file, folks, not binary--you should have no trouble with it. :) (I hope...) Also, while poking around, I found a security Wizard in the same library. The catch is, Microsoft does not support it. I will probably take a look at it and upload it to CICA in the next day or two for the adventurous among us. Enjoy! -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 28 Jun 1993 22:26:13 -0500 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: George Raudabaugh Subject: Re: VisBas 3.0 offer Nathan, I haven't seen anything like this yet: > Just out of curiosity....did anyone else get an offer from Microsoft for > a copy of Visual Basic for Windows 3.0 that was apparently sent out to > registered Access users? I got one last Friday and just got a chance to > look at it. The basic facts are $99 for VisBas 3.0 and $199 for VisBas 3.0 > Professional Edition, and the offer runs till August 15. > > Both versions include the Access database engine (v. 1.1) and OLE 2.0. > > The additional features available in the Professional Edition are [stuff deleted] My recommendations are go for the Pro Edition based on internal usage of VB. I'd love to get VB 3.0 pro for $199 as a REGISTERED ACCESS USER (caps are mine). How? GR. -- George Raudabaugh Manager/Document Technologies Information Dimensions, Inc. raudabaugh@idi.oclc.org (work email) 5080 Tuttle Crossing Blvd. Dublin, Ohio 43017 (614) 761-7309 (voice mail) ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 17:16:10 +0800 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: NCLCHAN@NTUVAX.BITNET Subject: Re: REPORT Thanks Huey Bing. However, I don't mean sub-totals of sort. eg. table1.name table1.address Tan May May Blk 320 ... The report should be title 1. Tan May May Blk 320 ... 2. Chan Micheal Blk 111 ... 1,2 .... are not fields from the table. I hope it's clearly. Chor Ling ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 06:01:46 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Morris Myers Subject: Re: VisBas 3.0 offer > > Nathan, > > I haven't seen anything like this yet: > > > Just out of curiosity....did anyone else get an offer from Microsoft for > > a copy of Visual Basic for Windows 3.0 that was apparently sent out to > > registered Access users? I got one last Friday and just got a chance to > > look at it. The basic facts are $99 for VisBas 3.0 and $199 for VisBas 3.0 > > Professional Edition, and the offer runs till August 15. > > > > [stuff removed] > My recommendations are go for the Pro Edition based on internal usage of > VB. I'd love to get VB 3.0 pro for $199 as a REGISTERED ACCESS USER (caps > are mine). How? > > GR. > -- George, If you are a registered user THERE is an even better upgrade price. I can't reme mber the break-out but there is an upgrade from 2.0 Standard to 3.0 Standard. 2.0 Sta ndard to 3.0 Professional, 2.0 Professional ... (you get the idea). The largest dollar fi gure I remember in that mailer was $139.00 (plus obligatory, tax, shipping and handling ). If MS did not contact you with a mailer then you should call them at 800-426-940 0 and ask for the upgrade. Hope that he'ps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Morris Myers [Standard Disclaimer] Amdahl Corporation M/S 205 Phone: 408-746-4798 Bldg. M3 Room 311 Fax: 408-629-4374 1230 E. Arques Avenue Email: xrysta@mcode.amdahl.com Sunnyvale, CA 94088-3470 or: morris@xrysta.birdsong.suvl.ca.us ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 07:03:10 -0700 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Brian Henning Subject: Re: REPORT Chor, I ran into the same problem. If I understand the problem your just trying to create a running line number counter. I solved this problem by creating a field in the underlying query that is set to the value of 1, e.g. =1. Then place this field on your report. Change the Running Sum property to the value that is appropriate for your needs (over group or over all). Brian Henning U of AZ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 08:10:51 -0400 Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: David So Subject: Re: The security WHITE PAPER Nathan, I am having a problem sending a mail to LISTSERV@INDYCMS should it have a more complete address. thanks/david ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 09:40:31 EST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Nathan Brindle Organization: IUPUI Student Activities Office (317) 274-3931 Subject: Re: The security WHITE PAPER In-Reply-To: Message of Tue, 29 Jun 1993 08:10:51 -0400 from This probably ought to go to the whole list anyway-- If LISTSERV@INDYCMS doesn't get you there, try LISTSERV@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or LISTSERV@INDYCMS.BITNET. Sorry, should have made that clear in the first place. --Nathan -----------------------------------------------------BITNET: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS Nathan C. Brindle, Administrative Specialist, Student Activities Office Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis Staff Advisor, ALPHA PHI OMEGA, TAU OMICRON CHAPTER List Administrator, STUACTS@INDYCMS, APOSEC52@INDYCMS, and ACCESS-L@INDYCMS Internet: NBRINDLE@INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU (preferred) or NBRINDLE@AOL.COM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 09:17:00 MST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: CRANDERS@UTAHCCA.BITNET Subject: Re: VisBas 3.0 offer Yes, I also received the same VisBas offer. Same terms. Looks good to me. -Chris Anderson University of Utah ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 11:05:00 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: DAVID FARR Subject: INDEXING Table Alldata Table Name1 Table Name2 Refr Name1 Name2 Refr Name Refr Name 1 1 2 1 Joe 1 Cat 2 3 1 2 Ellen 2 dog 3 2 2 3 Jack 3 bird These are examples of three tables. In my application they are all very large. I need to do sorts and searches on Table Alldata. How do you index Table Alldata to improve the performance of the sorts and searches. Some databases allow indexing on 'expressions'. That is, set up the link and index on the value in the Name1 Table. Access apparently only allows indexing on actual fields. Is that correct or am I missing something? Thanks Dave Farr DFARR@ASRR.ARSUSDA.GOV ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 16:05:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: CALLAHAN Subject: Displaying table relationships Has anyone tried to use the technique described in the Access Knowledge Base titled "INF: How to List the Related Tables in a Database"? I've tried and I keep getting messages telling me I cannot create the JOINs that are given in the SQL code. I corrected what I thought were typos of Sys to MSys though it didn't work in either case. I think I have the correct permissions on the system tables. (Though I also have a question about that. Once I set the read-only permissions, I can't remove them. Should I be able to?) --michael-- callahan%dialogvm@mcimail.com ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 10:32:45 PDT Reply-To: thamilto@pcocd2.intel.com Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Tony Hamilton - FES ERG~" Subject: Re: VisBas 3.0 offer In-Reply-To: <9306291712.AA25343@hermes.intel.com>; from "CRANDERS%UTAHCCA.BITNET@uga.cc.uga.edu" at Jun 29, 93 9:17 am I would point out that we (myself and the folks I work with) have looked at using VB3.0 as a front-end for Access, and have found that, by itself, it doesn't quite cut the mustard. The problem is that very few controls in VB3.0 are data-aware. Conspicuously _not_ data-aware are the grid and combo-box controls. Was planning on looking at 3rd-party controls to see if this would make everything better, because aside from these small but important problems, VB3.0 does many things better than Access. You can do real, live data-entry formatting (not the post-formatting Access does), drag-and-drop stuff, use timers, and all that neat stuff. I just can't personally live without a data-aware grid and combo-box... -- Tony Hamilton | -Intel Corporation | voice: 916-356-3070 --Folsom Engineering Services | mailstop: FM2-55 ---Engineering Resource Group | email: thamilto@pcocd2.intel.com ----Software Technician | ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 16:26:01 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "James T. Smith" Subject: Re: VisBas 3.0 offer In-Reply-To: <9306291340.AA22286@bunny.gte.com>; from "Morris Myers" at Jun 29, 93 6:01 am From standard 1.0 to Pro 3.0 for $149. -- /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ || || || James T. Smith GTE Telops || || System Administrator 1455 Halsey Way || || 214-242-4341 Carrollton, TX || || Fax 242-5130 75007-4410 || || || \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 29 Jun 1993 15:19:00 PDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Skewes-Cox, Tom" Subject: Is Null and Queries I am trying to develop a parameter query that will allow users to enter a "Before Date" and/or an "After Date" and the query will return all items from a table with a date between those two dates. If one of the dates is blank, the query returns nothing rather than everything after or before the date that is present. If I use 'Is Null' in an 'IIf' statement in the query grid the expression is longer than 255 characters and Access will not accept it. I tried putting the date field into the query twice (two separate columns) but when you save and then open the query again, the two columns are merged with an 'AND' connector and the expression is too long. Next I tried writing a little macro that would execute when the parameter text box loses the focus (On Exit). The macro used the IsNull function to check the field and then used SetValue to enter an appropriate date (1/1/1900 or 1/1/2001) and I ended up with the date of December 30, 1899 in the parameter field--regardless of the date I put in the SetValue Action Argument Expression. I would like to avoid having to write a function to generate an appropriate query, what am I missing? Any ideas? Thanks *-------------------------------*-----------------------------------* * Tom Skewes-Cox * * * Research Associate * Phone : (310) 206-8470 * * Student Affairs Information * * * and Research Office * E-Mail: tskewes@saonet.ucla.edu * * 274 Kinsey Hall * * * Los Angeles, CA 90024-1324 * Fax : (310) 206-2978 * * UCLA Mail Code: 132405 * * *-------------------------------*-----------------------------------* ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1993 01:19:00 GMT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: CALLAHAN Subject: Display relationships Okay, I finally got the SQL statements to work, per the instructions in the Knowledge Base entry "INF: How to List the Related Tables in a Database". But I end up with an empty table. What seems suspicious is that one query that was created ("psi User Tables Field List") is not referenced anywhere. It must be supposed to be referenced in the "psi Relationships" table, but I don't know SQL well enough to figure this out. Has anyone succeeded in getting this to run? Thanks. --michael-- callahan%dialogvm@mcimail.com ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1993 09:08:55 BST Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Anne L Zorner R27.G5/" Subject: Re: Security (Thanks for the White paper Nathan) SQL Support Section (SQS) Mail ALZ@UK.AC.RL.IB =============================================================== Now that I have read the white paper I know what the problems are. The note that I posted previously saying what the sequence of actions is was correct. The problem comes when one wants to test the security that one has set up. Testing can NOT be done using an unrestricted copy of the work group that was used to generate the secure work group! The part of the paper that gives us the clue is the part that says "Gotcha: When you setup Microsoft Access, the User and Company names are written to Disk #1. If you then give anyone.... The Admins group in the system.mda that is created will have the same SID as the Admins group in your system.mda. This means that anyone who uses that new system.mda will have all the permissions that you do, in any databases that you have permissioons....." That basic problem is that when you spawn off work groups from the same original system.mda then the ADMINS group will have the same SID. This can be used to benefit if you want to have a global DBA with rights in all workgroups. However it does mean that one cannot afford to leave the original system.mda around in an unrestricted state. Basically the problem is that members of the ADMINS group have the ability to acquire (grant to themselves ) permissions on all tables that users create, so long as the table was created using a work group with the same ADMINS SID. There might still be a problem, I have not tested this yet. You might not be able to clear out tables etc that have been created by users who are unknown to you, wher ethat user started with their own system.mda file and created a new secure work group and then created a table in your database. I hope that helps to make things clearer. Anne Thankyou =============================================================== ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1993 09:28:49 EDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: "Phillip (Phil) Paxton" <72410.2162@COMPUSERVE.COM> Subject: Re: Security > From: "Anne L Zorner R27.G5/", INTERNET:ALZ@ib.rl.ac.uk > Now that I have read the white paper I know what the problems are. > > The note that I posted previously saying what the sequence of actions > is was correct. The problem comes when one wants to test the security > that one has set up. Testing can NOT be done using an unrestricted > copy of the work group that was used to generate the secure work group! Another strong caveat for the use of security would be to test your application on another machine which hasn't yet "seen" your application before passing it out. I know of several persons who didn't heed this as well as people affiliated with 'nother publisher (the names have been changed to protect the guilty) who didn't test the disk in the back of the book on an isolated machine and assumed (that) because it worked on their machine, it worked on all machines (oops!) (yes, I did contact them and let them know). P.S. One other thing to mention about the security & white paper. There was some squawking on Compu$erve [sic] about two months ago and MS created a database followed by a challenge to break it. Unfortunately, it wasn't a full-blown app (even a small, simple one) so a lot of people in the MSACCESS forum felt it was not really a fair test. Phil Paxton Development Editor SAMS / Prentice Hall Computer Publishing CARmel, Indiana USA (carMEL is in California) ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1993 08:58:22 CDT Reply-To: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List Sender: Microsoft Access Database Discussion List From: Richard Moldwin Subject: Re: Is Null and Queries In-Reply-To: Your message of Tue, 29 Jun 1993 15:19:00 PDT Dear Tom: I recently wrote a parameter query to accomplish something close to what you are trying to do (I think). Try this: Make one query field each for the fields "Start Date" and "Stop Date" In the "Start date" criteria(first row) add >=[DateParameter1]. In the "Stop Date" criteria (first row also) add <=[DateParameter2] In the "Start Date" criteria(second row) add >=[DateParameter1]. In the "Stop Date" criteria(second row also) add IsNull. Note that [Date Parameter1] is the user entered start date parameter, and [Date Parameter2] is the user entered stop date parameter. You may need to write some AccessBasic Code to capture the user entered parameters from a form, and convert the Nulls (CRs) as shown: If IsNull (DateParameter1) then DateParameter1 = #01/01/1901# If IsNull (DateParameter2) then DateParameter2 = #01/01/2050# I have not tested this specific approach, but maybe it will work for you. Good luck-----Rich Moldwin